PHilMech Gender and Development:

In the early ‘90s, the seeds of gender awareness were first sown by then Director of the Planning and Evaluation Department, Gloria Picar-Jimenez, Ph.D. Following Republic Act 7192: Women in Development and Nation Building Act (1992), she was appointed as the first Gender and Development (GAD) focal person of PHilMech (then BPRE). She led the agency to become one of the first among government agencies that embraced the concept of gender and development.

In the early ‘90s, the seeds of gender awareness were first sown by then Director of the Planning and Evaluation Department, Gloria Picar-Jimenez, Ph.D. Following Republic Act 7192: Women in Development and Nation Building Act (1992), she was appointed as the first Gender and Development (GAD) focal person of PHilMech (then BPRE). She led the agency to become one of the first among government agencies that embraced the concept of gender and development.

Barring a few objectively verifiable indicators, the following reflects the timeline of GAD consciousness in PHilMech.

THE BIRTHING STAGE: Early 1990s to 2000s

Birthing is a slow and painful process. Gender awareness, gender sensitivity programs, developing gender perspectives, and attempts on integrating GAD in the workplace were the main course of the decade.

According to Dr. Jimenez, the most pressing issue in the early years was the lack of general awareness and appreciation of GAD, aggravated by a lack of “buy-in” from some officials and staff. The situation relegated GAD activities, receiving “token” support only. Then, as many became more informed, the challenge of rethinking the planning and conduct of RDE programs had to be addressed. In addition, the office needed to examine some of its existing policies that may pose bias against specific genders that may hinder job performance of the staff.

Thus, the attempts to integrate GAD came in the form of more gender awareness training, seminars, and workshops for officials and staff; workshops on gender analysis, and on developing gender-responsive RDE projects. Also, PHilMech actively participated in inter-agency GAD activities. It was also the decade of recognizing a gender issue in child care, thus, the BPRE daycare center was put up.

The following papers written by Dr. Jimenez, give a glimpse on her advocacy for the mainstreaming of gender issues:

THE INFANT STAGE: 2000s to 2018

Digna Monica B. Samaniego, Director of the Administrative and Finance Department of BPRE with Rosie R. Remorozo, Chief of the Finance Division, moved GAD integration forward with regular budget allocation to support GADrelated programs and activities. Participation in inter-agency GAD activities, particularly during women’s day celebration, became an annual pilgrimage, meeting other GAD advocates from other agencies. The BPRE Day Care Center continued to thrive with the concerted support of BPRE staff. Summer daycare program was implemented to cater to the needs of new members of BPRE staff’s households.

Another staunch advocate, Normita A. Pasalo, Ph.D. brought GAD awareness to higher ground, by becoming a PCW-accredited GAD resource person of the Central Luzon Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLAARRDEC). Partner agencies sought her expertise on GAD matters.

Towards the mid-2000s, the difficulty of securing people, information, and capacities to integrate GAD in PHilMech’s plans, programs, and policies, were pressing issues. The new GAD Focal person Miriam A. Acda, Chief of the Food Protection Division, was able to push for the hiring of GAD staff. Trained by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the newly-hired GAD staff helped to manage PHilMech’s GAD commitments. Some “GAD-attributed” projects have now been identified. It was also during this time that the gender “sensitization” among PHilMech’s Management Committee heightened their awareness and appreciation of GAD matters.

Between 2014 and 2016, with the leadership of Ms. Acda, PHilMech represented the Department of Agriculture to work with seven other selected agencies, with the PCW at the helm: to design and implement activities for the Gender Responsive Economic Actions for the Transformation of Women (GREAT Women) project. The GREAT Women project provided PHilMech the opportunity to contribute to empowering women and micro-entrepreneurs in the farming communities.

Helen F. Martinez, Ph.D, alternate GAD Focal Person and Supervising Science Research Specialist, supported Ms. Acda in the GAD integration efforts of PHilMech. Dr. Martinez developed projects that benefit women-microenterprises with the use of improved postharvest technologies. The following papers written by Dr. Martinez, show PHilMech’s support to GAD:

THE NURTURING STAGE: 2019 to Present

Nurturing provides the foundation for growth. Helen F. Martinez, Ph.D., the new GAD Focal person continued the legacy of her predecessors. In addition to what has been planted, Dr. Martinez took up the cudgel to truly integrate GAD into the core mindset of PHilMech.

Dr. Martinez focused on grounding the agency’s gender mainstreaming strategies. In 2020, PHilMech was selected as one of the 14 pilot agencies that followed a results-based management approach in crafting the annual GAD Plan and Budget.

With a handful of selected PHilMech staff, Dr. Martinez pushed for a workshop held in Baguio City in January 2020. Here, Ms. Jemelle Z. Milanes, Independent GAD Consultant and member of the PCW National GAD Resource Pool, introduced the use of Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) in assessing PHilMech’s gender mainstreaming efforts in four entry points: Policy, People, PPAs, and Enabling Mechanism. This workshop has truly set the gears up and running for GAD integration and mainstreaming activities in PHilMech.

Dr. Martinez’s unwavering determination gained the support of top management for crafting PHilMech’s GAD Agenda (GAD Plan and Budget). PHilMech is now compliant with the Gender Focal Point System (GFPS) structure, headed by Executive Director Baldwin G. Jallorina. Also, now formally organized are the GAD ExeCom, headed by Arnel Ramir M. Apaga, Director I; and a 24-member GAD Technical Working Group, headed by Dr. Martinez.

Gender Mainstreaming in PHilMech:

  • 1st GAD Executive Briefing for PHilMech’s Mancom members.

  • PHilMech becomes one of the first 14 agencies to use the GMMS Version 3 and adopt the results-based management approach.

  • 1st PHilMech GAD Agenda is formulated (GAD Strategic Framework + GAD Plan and Budget 2022-2027).

  • 1st PHilMech Juana Award is conferred to Engr. Arlene Joaquin during the 2020 National Women’s Month Celebration.

  • The 2021 GAD Plan and Budget obtained an endorsement by the PCW. Under the “attributed projects” (7) are gender-responsive and two (2) are gender-sensitive.

  • The use of Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) as a tool is now integrated into PHilMech’s project development process.

  • 1st Division-based GAD strategic planning workshops are conducted; the output of which constitutes the PHilMech’s 2022-2027 GAD Strategic Plan.

  • 1st Project assessment workshop using the HGDG-PIMME for the 2021 GAD-attributed Covid-Response Projects.

  • 1st Online GMEF assessment conducted by PCW where PHilMech garnered Level 2 GMEF Score.

  • 1st Lactating/ Breastfeeding Room is established at PHilMech Dormitory.

  • Activities related to the Celebration of the National Women’s Month and the Observance of the 18-day Campaign on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW).

Integrating gender into PHilMech’s PPAs remains a big challenge; however, as the saying goes, the rest is history.

The increased appreciation of GAD, as well as a better understanding of how to integrate it into PHilMech’s PPAs, means only one thing: GAD is truly becoming integrated and mainstreamed in PHilMech. PHilMech is now on the road to becoming a “gender-sensitive agency” and hopefully will soon reach Level 3 in its GMEF score.